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Saturday, September 15, 2012

My progress so far...

As you may know, I've been taking part in The Organised Housewife's 20 Days to Organise Your Home Challenge.

Here is a recap of my progress so far:
Day 1 was to clean my kitchen and this is the end result...
Day 2 was a challenge I was looking forward to, clean and tidy the main bedroom *excluding the WIR* which means I got a weeks worth of good sleep. I'm one happy person at the moment!

Day 3's task was a laundry room clean up which has made life so much easier for me, which is evidenced by the fact I managed to wash, dry and pull in 7 loads of washing today!

Day 4 saw me in the lounge room, and it looks pretty amazing if I must say so myself...
Day 5 had me cleaning the floors, which really raises the happy feelings in this household, especially now that we have finished installing our Jarrah laminate flooring.

Now, I got behind task during week two, and have there for spent most of today catching up. Today I cleaned and organised my bathroom, which involved scrubbing the shower floor tiles with a scourer!

I haven't completed Day 7's task of cleaning the fridge or Day 8's task to clean and tidy the spare room but they're on the catch up list. Day 9 was spent on tidying the junk drawer... and organising the calendar. Now that was fun, now that I'm using Google Calendar! I love how it syncs my home Outlook calendar, my work Outlook calendar and my Android phone's calendar. Now I have no excuses for forgetting something!

Day 10 had me cleaning the oven and organising kitchen cupboards.

I must say, I'm really enjoying the tidy house, it feels so much more welcoming and open. I don't have to worry about unexpected visitors and I don't feel stressed first thing every morning, which is obviously a great thing!

Are you following the challenge? How are you going with it? I'd love to hear about your progress so feel free to comment on my post!


  1. Great wrap up - I love your big oven in the kitchen ;-)

  2. Thank you for your comment Cathy! I love my big oven, and I actually planned my entire kitchen around the oven. It is a Euromaid gas/electric, and it is awesome :). Can you tell that I'm in love with my oven?
