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Monday, September 10, 2012

A 'sort of' beginning...

Wow - my first post in my first real blog. I say 'real' blog because I started a blog back in '09 for a Uni course, but never actually finished the course so didn't continue with the '09 blog.

This is a new start, which will be my first real adventure into the world of blogging. Come and join me for the journey, I'm sure it will be interesting to say the least.

Ok, a bit about me now. My name is Shea (as in the Irish O'Shea) and I'm turning 27 this year. I guess that means that I should be mature by now, but some days I'm not so sure I'm not a child in disguise. Speaking of children, I have one. I'm going to call him Master R. in this blog and he turns 8 this year.

For those of you who have done the math, that means I had Master R. when I was 19 for less than a month. Exciting times - sort of. I was never interested in having children, I wasn't a motherly girl, so Master R. was a bit of a suprise, but he has definitely grown on me! Couldn't imagine life without him these days.

So now you know there's Master R. and I. Nope, there isn't a man on the scene, hasn't been one for quite some time but we're not going further into that side of things, except to say that, 'hey! I'm single and while I don't love it every day, I do love it most days'.

We live on an acre block of *mostly* weeds in a rural mining town in North Queensland, Australia. We share our space with 4 roosters (I know! 4!), 7 hens, 1 border collie, 4 cats and 2 horses out in the paddocks, which are also mostly weeds.

I'm hoping to blog about our lives living in this beautiful part of the world, our adventures and mis-adventures with home renovations and decorating, and also with our kitchen experiments. Oh, I can't forget that the blog will also help me to record Master R's ups and downs, the crazy antics of our various critters and my ups and downs - of course!

At this very moment, I'm sitting here watching the news and enjoying a cold drink after installing some new flooring in Master R's bedroom. I'm a little miffed at myself, back in June I ordered a whole heap of flooring from Bunnings (enough to do Master R's room, the lounge, dining and the new kitchen area - or so we thought) and after installing what we had and realising we didn't have enough, I went back for more - only to find that Bunnings no longer stocked that particular colour.

So, since the section of unfinished floor was in the lounge area, we pulled some up from Master R's finished room and laid the lounge area. This of course left Master R's room incomplete, so I decided to buy the same brand of flooring but in a different colour. At least now he has a completed floor once again!

I'm also on a bit of a home organisation phase at the moment. I tend to let things go until the mountains of clutter and miscellaneous items start falling over, or I can't find a school note that was supposed to be handed in last Tuesday. I have decided to follow along with The Organised Housewife's 20 Day Challenge (Day 1) because Kat is so organised and has really come through for all those clutter-sick women (and men!) out there. She has cute printables and gives you a daily task list that is super simple for busy working Mums to finish.

I'm going fairly well with the challenge, I have completed the days 1-5 and have to get my butt into gear and finish today's challenge which is cleaning the bathroom... eeek! Feel free to let me know how you are going with the challenge, I'd love to hear from you!

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