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Wednesday, September 12, 2012

I'm on a mission!

Your mission, if you choose to accept it... is to organise your paperwork into some semblance of order!

I have accepted the challenge and I feel like I'm part-way through this mission. What am I doing? Simple.

I went and bought 5 plastic tubs with click on lids, 6 lever arch binders, 300 sheet protectors and filing tabs. I also bought a freestanding hanging file system which includes 5 hanging files and tabs. You don't have to do this. You can buy one folder or tub at a time and work that way through mount paperwork, or you can use folders/tubs/archive boxes/filing cabinets that you may have in your house.

I've designated my tubs '2011', '2010', '2009', '2008' & 'Up to & Including 2007'. I think that's pretty self explanatory? For those of you who are half asleep, I'll explain. As I sort through mount paperwork, I make little piles of paperwork, according to year level. I don't try to sort the paperwork into categories in those piles because they're only gonna be chucked into the relevant year tub.

Then, when I have finished sorting mount paperwork, I'll put a packet of damp absorber in the tub, maybe an incense stick for scent, chuck the lid on and label the tub with the year. Once labelled and sealed, I'll store the tubs up in the shed. Voila! Archiving!

Meanwhile, I haven't ignored those lever archer binders. They've been labelled with the following -
            • Tax & Super
            • Payslips
            • Shea - Personal
            • Master R. - Personal
            • Bills - Paid
            • Banking
As I find a document that is from sometime in 2012, I sort them into categories and file them in the appropriate binder in plastic sleeves. The binders themselves are stored on the top shelf of one of my bookcases so they are out of reach of little fingers but within easy reach for quick reference.

So far, I have tidied my computer desk, my kitchen table, 4 bookshelves in my other bookcase, 2 archive boxes from my room and assorted miscellaneous documents that were hiding in my favourite handbag.

'What about the freestanding file?' I hear you ask. Well, I have sat it on one end of my kitchen bench (although it may end up being moved to the sewing cabinet due to the close proximity of the kitchen sink) and have so far labelled the files with 'To Be Filed', 'Tupperware' and 'Bills - To Be Paid'. I still have 2 hanging files to use, and they will be labelled when I have a use for them.

These methods seem to be working pretty well for me so far, but as we all know, the real test is how long I stick to this particular system. I'll be sure to keep you updated with how I go! This is an indication of how much junk paperwork I have thrown out, I've already chucked 3 boxes out!

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